Vorlesungsumfrage Sommersemester 2018
BA-INF 021
Lineare Algebra
BA-INF 022
BA-INF 023
Systemnahe Informatik
BA-INF 024
Objektorientierte Softwareentwicklung
BA-INF 031/128
Angewandte Mathematik: Stochastik
BA-INF 041
Algorithmen und Berechnungskomplexität II
BA-INF 105
Einführung in die Computergraphik und Visualisierung
BA-INF 108 Geschichte des maschinellen Rechnens - Teil I
BA-INF 109
Relationale Datenbanken
BA-INF 110
Grundlagen der Künstlichen Intelligenz
BA-INF 114
Grundlagen der Algorithmischen Geometrie
BA-INF 119
BA-INF 120
BA-INF 123
Computational Intelligence
BA-INF 133
Web- und XML-Technologien
BA-INF 136
Reaktive Sicherheit
BA-INF 137
Einführung in die Sensordatenfusion
MA-INF 1201 Approximation Algorithms
MA-INF 1202
Chip Design
MA-INF 1203 Discrete and Computational Geometry
MA-INF 1213
Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis
MA-INF 1215
Introduction to Computational Topology
MA-INF 1301
Algorithmic Game Theory and the Internet
MA-INF 1302 Advanced Topics in Algorithmics: Complexity of Boolean Functions
MA-INF 1312
The art of cryptography: secure internet & e-passports
MA-INF 2202 Computer Animation
MA-INF 2209 Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics I
MA-INF 2212
Pattern Matching and Machine Learning for Audio Signal Processing
MA-INF 2213
Computer Vision II
MA-INF 2214
Computational Photography
MA-INF 2217 Markov Random Fields for Vision and Graphics
MA-INF 2218 Video Analytics
MA-INF 3201
Network Security
MA-INF 3202
Mobile Communication
MA-INF 3233 Advanced Sensor Data Fusion in Distributed Systems
MA-INF 3235
Usable Security and Privacy
MA-INF 3236
IT Security
MA-INF 3302 Temporal Information Systems
MA-INF 4112
Intelligent Learning and Analysis Systems: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
MA-INF 4114
Robot Learning
MA-INF 4201
Artificial Life
MA-INF 4207
Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems
MA-INF 4212
Data Science and Big Data